Guitar Lessons

We are offering one free video consultation through Zoom with William Jenks to discuss your lesson plan and get you ready to start. All you need to do is email us at or call 971-715-8097 to set up the appointment.

We are now offering live in-person lessons in as well as through

 with master guitar instructor William Jenks. 

William Jenks has over 25 years teaching experience both privately and at the university level.  Currently in-person lessons are available in the areas of the greater Portland metro area, and on the Big Island of Hawaii.


Monthly Lesson Rates

Half Hour Lessons - $150 (Monthly rate for weekly half hour lessons)

One Hour Lessons - $250 (Monthly rate for weekly full hour lessons)

Bi-Monthly Lesson Rates

One Hour Lessons - $140 (Two full hour lessons per month)

Individual Lesson Rates

Individual One Hour Lessons - $80 (per lesson)

Please note that you can get an additional discount of $10 per month if you sign up for the auto-pay system which is our preferred payment method for lessons. If there happens to be 5 weeks in the month, there is no extra charge.

About William Jenks

William Jenks is a rare and unique talent among classical guitarists and he has celebrated a diverse and successful career as a concert artist, musical educator, and concert presenter since 1997. Not only is he a world class recording artist, sought out for performances and master classes around the globe—he is also the Founder and President of one of the leading classical guitar organizations in the nation called U.S. Classic Guitar which presents concerts, master classes, and community outreaches featuring world-renowned artists in Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, California, and Hawaii. Read More

Private Lessons Through U.S. Classic Guitar (USCG)

At USCG, students will study classical guitar which is the original and most proven  or other styles such as rock, jazz, folk, flamenco, and more. Whether students study classical or folk styles, USCG has a systemized approach to teaching the guitar and all USCG instructors have been university trained and have extensive teaching experience. All USCG guitar students get a complete musical training in technique, note reading, music theory, performance, ensemble playing, and more.

No previous guitar or musical training is necessary to start lessons. USCG accepts students who are complete beginners to advanced levels and students range from 7 years of age through senior citizens. USCG also holds regular student recitals and hosts the famous Portland, Hawaii, and Los Angeles International Guitar Series featuring performances and master classes from some of the finest guitarists in the world such as the Romeros, John Williams, David Russell, and many more.

Reasons which make us the best choice:

University Trained Instructors

Our instructors hold college degrees and have extensive teaching experience. Most importantly, our students have a proven track record of success because we are careful to only select well-trained, courteous, and patient instructors to be part of our teaching staff.

All Ages, Styles, and Levels

Our current students range from 7 years old to many students in their 60's and 70's. We currently teach beginner through advanced levels. We are careful to teach you the necessary skills every music student needs to learn, while at the same time being sympathetic to your own particular musical interests. We will teach you the music you want to learn so your lessons are motivating and rewarding.

Private Lessons

Our lessons are set up as private one on one instruction, so you will have the undivided attention of your instructor and you can progress at a level suited to you individually.

Regular Student Recitals

Although not required, all students are encouraged to perform in the recitals to build confidence and performance experience on their instrument. These recitals are free and open to the public. 

World Class Concert Series

Our students and their families get preferred seating and discounts to the highly acclaimed concert series presented by U.S. Classic Guitar, where some of the top classical guitarists in the world have performed. Participation in the master classes held during the series as an auditor or performer is also available.

Professional Learning Environment

Each of our instructors have professional teaching studio space that will inspire you to achieve personal excellence. Each studio is clean, comfortable, and spacious for the best learning experience.

Five ways to get the most out of your private music lessons:

  1. How young is too young? Starting at the right age

Adults can start any instrument at any time. Their success is based on how willing they are committed to practicing. We teach many beginner students in their 60’s and 70’s. For children, starting at the right age is a key element to the success of their lessons. We recommend that children should be at least age 7 to start guitar.

  1. Insist on private lessons when learning a specific instrument

Group classes work well for preschool music programs, and theory lessons. However, when actually learning how to play an instrument, private lessons are far superior since in private lessons it is hard to miss anything, and each student can learn at their own pace. This means the teacher does not have to teach a class at a middle of the road level, but has the time and focus to work on the individual student’s strengths and weaknesses. For that lesson period, the student is the primary focus of the teacher. The teachers also enjoy this as they do not have to divide their attention between 5 - 10 students at a time and can help the student be the best they can be.

  1. Take lessons in a professional teaching environment

Learning music is not just a matter of having a qualified teacher, but also having an environment that is focused on music education. In our studios, a student cannot be distracted by TV, pets, ringing phones, siblings or anything else. With only 1/2 to one hour of lesson time per week, our studio environment can produce better results since the only focus at that time is learning music. 

  1. Make practicing fun

As with anything, improving in music takes practice so it might as well be fun. One of the main problems with music lessons is the drudgery of practicing and the fight between parents and students to practice every day. Here are some ways to make practicing easier:

Set the same time every day to practice so it becomes part of a routine or habit. This works particularly well for children. Generally the earlier in the day the practicing can occur, the less reminding is required by parents to get the child to practice.


We use this method quite often when setting practice schedules for beginners. For a young child 20 or 30 minutes seems like an eternity. Instead of setting a time frame, we use repetition. For example, practice this piece 4 times every day, and this scale 5 times a day. The child then does not pay attention to the amount of time they are practicing their instrument, but knows if they are on repetition number 3 they are almost finished.

This works very well for both children and adult students. Some adults reward themselves with something simple like a cappuccino after a successful week of practicing. Parents can encourage children to practice by granting them occasional rewards for successful practicing. In our studiosl we reward young children for a successful week of practicing with stars and stickers on their work. Praise tends to be the most coveted award - there just is no substitute for a pat on the back for a job well done. Sometimes we all have a week with little practicing, in that case there is always next week.

  1. Use recognized teaching materials

There are some excellent materials developed by professional music educators that are made for students in a variety of situations. These materials have been researched and are continually upgraded and improved to make learning easier. These materials ensure that no important part of learning the instrument can inadvertently be left out. If you ever have to move to a different part of the country, qualified teachers and institutions will recognize the materials and be able to smoothly continue from where the previous teacher left off.

Most Importantly . . . HAVE FUN!!

For more information or questions on lessons please contact U.S Classic Guitar directly at 971-715-8097, or at